Frost coating the ground and jackets overhead. Everyone around seems prepared for the winter weather, but are those shorts? In the dead of NC winter, Fahrenheit temperatures range from the high 50s from all the way down into the 30s or colder. 32 degrees Fahrenheit is the freezing temperature for water, so the question is why do middle and highschoolers insist on continuously wearing shorts in these frigid temperatures?
While looking around the classroom the distinction between people wearing shorts and wearing pants seemed clear. The only students wearing shorts in winter were boys. Now with that information in hand the question came up: Does being male have an effect on a student’s choice to wear or not to wear shorts? After some research the hypothesis was confirmed to be true. The hormone testosterone may be a part of the cause of wearing shorts. Testosterone is a hormone that does chemically make the body warmer, which makes some students more comfortable wearing shorts rather than pants.
After some digging, it turns out that the Akron Children Hospital has made their recommendation on this issue. In an interview from Akron Children Hospital, Doctor Levine states, “Children of all ages should wear pants when the weather is under 40 degrees.” Although it may be unhealthy, teenagers will risk wearing shorts for comfort.
One of these winter shorts wearers is Jordan Lee, a 15-year-old freshman student. He explains that when picking out his outfit, “It just depends on what’s available in my closet. If that happens to be shorts, then it’s shorts. Whatever is on top and clean.” At the same time his parents do get angry with him for wearing shorts, but he just tells them that he doesn't get cold. When asked whether the cold affects him, he said, “Not usually, no. My legs stay pretty warm.”
At the same time, Sophia Mattson, another freshman student, has a different view than her classmate. “In winter I wear pants because it’s cold. It would be unhealthy otherwise.” She goes on to explain that, “I feel bad for people wearing shorts. I want to give them a blanket or something.”
In conclusion, wearing shorts in the winter seasons is not recommended, no matter how comfortable or pleased it makes you. All in all, when the weather forecast sends the signal for the temperatures to drop under 40 degrees, the better, healthier choice is to not freeze your leg hairs off.