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What school parking spots are best?

Writer's picture: Blaise WhiteBlaise White

The Middle Creek High School parking lot

Parking: the start of your school day, and the most annoying thing to deal with at Middle Creek. Every day you come to school and wait five minutes just to get in, and then you have to walk all the way into the school from where you parked. While you don't get to choose your spot, you should still figure out what you're getting into.

The first thing to start with when determining the best spot is the elimination of all of the worst spots. The best way to do this is to keep it open to discussion and non-bias. 17-year-old Middle Creek Junior James Cardillo voiced his own opinion on the matter, saying, “The worst parking spot is probably the back half of the junior lot.” James followed, saying, “Because it's a longer walk, and because of that you have to leave earlier from home during lunch, or just when you're trying to get to school on time.” With the help of James Cardillo and his experience on the topic, it is fair to eliminate the back corner of the school parking lot furthest from the school.

The next part of the parking lot that got a lot of heat was the other corner of the junior parking lot. 18-year-old Senior Hallie Brew responds to the question, saying the worst spots are “the last row before the truck lot.” Hallie also follows up her response, saying, “It takes forever to get to, [and] also it's hard to get out because people from the front rows that get to their cars sooner won't let you out.” Now, with this information, you can also cut out the very back row for the exact same reasons.

Next up was 17-year-old junior Collin Patrick, who responded saying, “Back right is really bad.” Collin then followed up, saying, “It's because you can't get out early enough to beat the traffic. You'll be waiting for a while.”

Now that we have these opinions, we can move on to our last interviewee, Tate Jones. Tate is currently a 17-year-old Middle Creek Senior who said the worst spots are “the ones closest to the school.” Tate explained, “People see the closest ones to the school as the best ‘cause they don't have to walk as far, but I don't mind the walking. I just mind waiting 45 minutes to get out.” I would have to truly agree with Tate on this one, because although the front sounds nice, it's not worth waiting so long to get out.

The "Golden Spots" at Middle Creek

Finally, we are left with a select few rows of parking spots which we shall call the “Golden Spots.” While there may be a few varying opinions on the matter, it is fair to say when you actually weigh the pros and cons, these “Golden Spots” have truly earned their name. If you or one of your friends is lucky enough to get into one of these spots, I would cherish it because it will only last the year. If neither you nor your friend got a “Golden Spot,” do not stress, because it isn't the end of the world to have to walk a little further or wait a little longer.


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