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SENIOR PROJECT SPECIAL FEATURE: The amazing ESL program at Middle Creek


My name is Hannah Bottomley, and I am a senior at Middle Creek High School. I decided to do my project on awareness of ESL programs because I have always wanted to learn Spanish fluently. This interest of mine first started when I began working at my current job. Many of my coworkers speak Spanish as their first language; therefore, I wanted to learn how to speak with them in Spanish.

There is an ESL program at Middle Creek; therefore, I thought it was fitting to interview Mrs. Carney, an ESL teacher at Middle Creek, and some of her students to bring about awareness of what these students go through day to day at home and school to the rest of our Middle Creek community.

First, ESL stands for English as a Second Language, which allows for students to improve their English skills, such as reading, writing, and speaking, or learn English entirely. In the United States, about 5 million students are enrolled in an ESL program. Of these students, 76% of these students speak Spanish as their first language. Although the national graduation rate in the US is 87%, in North Carolina, the graduation rate for the Hispanic/Latino population is 81%.

Although this statistic is daunting, there are solutions to help increase the graduation rate of our Hispanic/Latino population in NC. In order to help Middle Creek students involved in the ESL program, I believe they should bring about awareness of ESL programs and the importance of funding these programs to provide these students extra support.

Mrs. Carney's 4th block students all speak very highly of her

I had the pleasure of interviewing 5 students in Mrs. Carney’s 4th period class. Many of the students I interviewed wAke up very early in the morning, even as early as 3:30 am, in order to catch their 5:30 am bus stop. Once at school, one the biggest challenges of the day for these students is understanding what their assignments are asking them to do. Fortunately, these students persevere with the help of their own motivation, friends, family, and teachers to help them get through the school day successfully.

Many students do not participate in the numerous clubs and sports we have at Middle Creek but do have a desire to attend these after school clubs and activities. unfortunately, they are unable to due to lack of transportation. Luckily, Middle Creek has created a diversity club, which is an assembly of a diverse group of students that help the school be aware of every students’ needs and wants. Middle Creek haS an after school tutoring program for ESL students and more to help to work on homework and school assignments with peers and their teachers.

One of the biggest impacts Middle Creek has on the students in the ESL program is its teachers who continually support and advocate for these students in their regular classes outside of ESL class. When I asked each student I interviewed who one of their biggest supporters during the school day is, all of their answers were Mrs. Carney herself. Whenever someone enters Mrs. Carney’s classroom and has the pleasure to talk to her, she has a bright friendly personality, and she is extremely passionate and caring about her students.


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