Middle Creek’s Key Club is hosting a Trunk or Treat event at Middle Creek’s student parking lot on October 28th, 2021, from 6-8pm. Trunk or Treat is an event where a lot of cars are decorated and kids who don’t live in a neighborhood or in an area that celebrates Halloween can trick or treat from car to car.
During the event, all kids and people serving candy will be wearing their Halloween costumes. This will be Key Club’s 7th Trunk or Treat, and this event can provide service hours for anyone who needs it. The three different service options are “Trunks,” “Parking Helpers,” and “Candy Donations.” For the “Trunks” option, people with a car are asked to reserve a spot to park, decorate, and hand out candy. If you want to get service hours with a friend, you still only need one spot. For the “Parking Helpers” option, they need people to help navigate parking in the student parking lot. “Candy Donations” should be delivered to Mrs. King's classroom, room 3306. Every $5 spent on candy is 1 hour of service. Students can have a maximum of 25 hours gained from this volunteering option.
Volunteers should arrive by 5PM to get their spot and start decorating. Volunteers are also asked to stay the entire allotted time and to assist with cleanup. All in all, this is a great opportunity to have some fun with friends and make a bunch of kids who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to have a good Halloween, all while getting service hours. We hope to see you there!