Homecoming: a simple tradition that has been passed down for generations with the week-long celebration of high school spirit, football, and of course, the kings and queens! Although there are many different ways to celebrate homecoming, one of its most long-standing traditions has recently fallen out of favor. For many of our older siblings and parents, a semi-formal dance came at the end of homecoming week. Recently, however, the dance has been one of the less common items, especially as events officially hosted by schools. Over the last few years, due to Covid protocols, many school systems were unable to supply a safe enough environment to host a dance. In the past, many schools would have the dance in the gym or cafeteria, and with the help of students, student clubs, and teachers, they were able to transform a simple school into their ballroom. Although we may not be having a school dance, that doesn’t mean you still can’t have an amazing time on Homecoming!
At Middle Creek High School, spirit week coincides with Homecoming and is the time where students get to dress up and enjoy the thrill of being someone or something else for the day. Luckily for us, the themes have just been posted! They are listed below. Remember, all outfits must be school-appropriate:
Creek Week Spirit Days (Oct 11-15th)
Monday (No School): Memory
Post your favorite school memory and make sure to tag #creekweekspirit
Senior Parade from 12-2 pm (more info below)
Tuesday: Aliens vs Cowboys
Show up in your best out-of-this-world outfit or ranch attire
Wednesday: Professional on top, pajamas on the bottom
Come to school in your best “Zoom Attire”
Another option is to be fully professional or full pajamas
Thursday: ABAB (Anything but a Backpack)
No backpacks!
Make sure your new “backpack of choice” can easily go up and down the stairs and falls in line with the code of conduct of what can be brought to school.
Some ideas:
Grocery bag
Plastic container
Friday: Creek Colors
Make sure to wear your appropriate class color!
Seniors: Black
Juniors: Red
Sophomores and Freshmen- White
Don’t forget to attend the Middle Creek Homecoming game on Friday 15th, where the theme will be any of our school colors. The Mustangs will take on Apex at home, so make sure to come out for an exciting game!
Also, don’t miss the Senior Parade that will take place Monday, October 11th, from 12-2 pm. The Parade will start at the entrance to the student parking lot near the baseball fields. During this time, teachers will be along the parade path cheering on the students. We’d love to see you out there too! Seniors, make sure to decorate your car because teachers will be voting on the best-decorated car once the parade has concluded. We can’t wait to celebrate all our seniors; we’ll see you there!
Happy Homecoming!