It is finally the most wonderful time of the year: holiday season! That means it is time to binge all of your favorite holiday movies like The Grinch, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and so many more. It is time to turn on the fire, get some hot chocolate and cozy blankets, and go on a movie marathon. But, are all of these movies as good as they are hyped out to be? I watched a few of the classics and I am going to tell you how good they really are.
Let’s start with probably one of the most well-known Christmas movies in America: The Grinch. The Grinch, if you don’t already know, is about a small town called Whoville. The Grinch lives in a mountain way above Whoville that towers over the town. The Grinch hates Christmas, so he plots throughout the movie how he can stop it from coming. The Grinch is one of my personal favorite movies to watch during Christmas, and it’d be my first choice over any other one. This one is for sure a 10/10, and I highly recommend you watch it if you haven’t already.
Next, let’s talk about Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. Rudolph is definitely more on the cutesy side of Christmas movies but still one of the best. Rudolph is about a little reindeer who will eventually be found very valuable to the other reindeer and Santa, but until then, Rudolph gets bullied and made fun of for having a glowing red nose. He wasn't like the other reindeer and developed slower than the other reindeer did. Rudolph I would give a 9/10; it is the next best to The Grinch.
Next we have It’s a Wonderful Life. This one I'm not sure is as popular with younger people, but it is one of the most well-known movies across America. It is an older movie and has a sort of lesson behind it. It is about a man named George Bailey, who comes across a very big problem in his life that could result in jail. He jumps off of a bridge in an attempt to kill himself but is saved by his said guardian angel, Clarence. George tells Clarence that he wishes he had never been born, so Clarence grants that wish so he can see what it would be like if he was never born. I won’t give away the whole movie, but let's just say George ended up realizing how amazing his life was and how most problems are never permanent. This movie is definitely a 9/10; it has an amazing message to it.
The last one I am going to talk about is Elf, a hilarious comedy Christmas movie about a human who grew up in the elf world so that was all he ever knew. So when he traveled to New York City, he only wore his elf clothing and lived as he did his whole life growing up with elves in the North Pole. The plot to the movie is actually so funny yet so adorable, but I can’t say it without giving away the movie. You have to go watch it! This movie is also a 9/10.
Of course, there are so many other holiday movies out there, but these are the ones I found to be the most popular and interesting. Now go turn on the fire, get some snacks and blankets, and go watch all these amazing movies for yourself!